It Feels Good To Be Back In The Saddle

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We are on our summer vacation. So much has happened in the last six months that it is nice to finally slow down. We are staying in Leavenworth twice on this trip. We start and end here. It's been a week and a half of lovely warm weather and an onsite disc golf course. Needless to say we have enjoyed every minute of it.

I did slip in a minor surgery four days prior to us leaving and that put a definite wrench in the works. I am always surprised when what I "think" is going to happen after a surgery doesn't. I expected this to be minimally painful and I have to say it hurt! I still managed to play lots of disc golf right handed (I had the left worked on). My incision, though small, started opening so Hub benched me. I was only allowed to spot for him. NO throwing.  We did make the drive back to see the surgeon for the follow up and she agreed that the incision should have new steri strips for a few days. Because of the heat, the ones from surgery fell off after five days. Now all is well and I am back to playing again!

We have been hooking our tank tote to our hitch to go dump. It is way, way less work than using the crane. We are only the second camp site in so the dump is very close. We get to use the lodge wifi in our rig, it isn't perfect, but it is much better than our spotty Mifi connection. There are some sewer sites way, way in the back, they must be closer to the cell tower than up front here by the lodge as they get pretty good cell service. I always wanted to come here and stay within a short jaunt to the first hole of the disc golf course and we are only the second site in. We toyed with moving to the very first site, but it has zero privacy and you face traffic on three sides. 

Last week the temperature was mid 70s, this week mid 90s. Much of the camping area is dappled sunlight and is many degrees cooler than in full sun. There isn't much wildlife to be seen, yesterday Hub spotted a deer and I snapped a picture of it, though not a good one. This part of the campground was empty except for us so this shy deer decided to take advantage of the lack of people to enjoy the vegetation.

Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave comments or questions, I am here to help!


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