MISTI - Most Incredible Stamp Tool Invented

Some projects where I used this product: 
MISTI - Most Incredible Stamp Tool Invented  | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com
Helpful Notes: 

I started papercrafting in early 2014, by July of that year I had ruined enough paper mis-stamping that I was super frustrated. I had just bought a membership to Split Coast Stampers and went on their forum to seek advice. I found the MISTI thread (will add the link). There were many nay-sayers back then, mostly advanced crafters I am guessing, who didn't want to spend more money on yet another tool. I immediately ordered Two. A left handed and right handed one (this was when the creator made them herself). It was true love. I have saved so many projects using this tool I cannot put into words how much more satisfying my crafting time was once this tool was in my craft room! I take it to make and takes and retreats and let folks use it when they mess up their stamping, they are always amazed at how well it works. I will warn you, this product flies off the shelves and is often out of stock!

Happy stamping and/or camping!
