Video Articles

Video - Color Me This Episode 1 - Channel Introduction Plus My Very First Solo Pet Portrait "Grim"

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Ode to Grim | Tracy Marie Lewis |

The day has finally arrived! I have posted my first "Color Me This" video!

When I created this channel, I set a goal of having my channel introduction include a completed pet portrait that utilizes all that I have learned in the four years that I have dabbled in colored pencils.

In addition, this just happens to be my first ever dog portrait drawing! Be sure to check it out and...

Video - +20 Alternatives - December 2022 Good Things Come In Small Packages - So Many Options!

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This kit took two days to complete. I had to parse over 2 hours of video footage.

I always struggle with compressing to less than 60 minutes so this was very challenging! I had to focus on the key take aways and drop all the extra fun stuff.

In this video I actually take bits out of my trash and use it, that is a first for me. Enjoy!

Video - New Year's Card Easel Calendars, Two Variations

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I always get so busy for the holidays that New Year's cards are challenging to get out before the first of the year.

I've been managing to create calendars each year instead, that way I can get them delivered early in Jan and I don't feel so "late".

This year as a pre-emptive strike I purchased 10x mini 2023 tear off calendars in October from a friend (link to her mini calendars...

Video - Winter Is Coming Wednesday 2022 Episode 28 - Coloring, Techniques Abound & Dancing Legs

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This episode showcases three totally different cards. They are the favorites from my final finish up Christmas card stash.

I believe all I have left to share is a followup showcase of the Paper Pumpkin/WICW combined episode From 12/5.

By the end of this week most cards will have been mailed!  I have some that I will hand deliver closer to Christmas.

I hope you've enjoyed...

Thirteen Christmas Cards Alternatives Combining Oct & Nov 2022 Paper Pumpkin Kits!

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This is the last push to finish ALL of my Christmas cards. I made thirteen cards, all but two are fancy shmancy to send to family and friends.

I just did a final count and with the 13 shown in the video I have 64, not including 10 notecards I dressed up from a project gift card pack made in October.

I still have to go over this set, finalizing the bling, stamping the inside and...

Video - +20 Alternatives November 2022 Paper Pumpkin - From The North Pole

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Like the coordinating October 2022 kit, this one had multiple unique designs. This means that there are many more options and directions you can go with this kit.

I WILL be making a part two that combines the october kit supplies with this months supplies.

I am short Christmas cards so they will all be extra fancy while still being within the parameters for a non-machinable USPS...

Video - Winter Is Coming Wednesday 2022 - Episode 26 - Featuring Santa Express DSP Scene Cutouts

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I am not a fan of fussy cutting, but these two cards were so fun to make.

I walk through the finer details about how I created these and two changes I made based on Libby's critical eye.

It is fun to craft with friends, especially those who can point out ways to improve your skills, enjoy!
