Living Log

2025 -

Who knows what is in store for 2025. It is surreal having my mom only doors away on my street. We are all fitness nuts and see each other in passing on the trails, at the gym, the pool etc. I love having my mom close by.

2024 -

We spent the first half of the year hanging out, meeting new people and getting involved in our community. By June my mom and her husband were fixing up their small farm in Washington state to move here and by October 3rd they had arrived! They drove their car 3000 miles on a once in a lifetime trek. They found their home here on the second day and had me negotiate the deal. November 8th they moved in. What a year 2024 was!

2023 -

No plans for any new states in 2023. I hosted a mini crafting retreat with three guests and the following month my mom and her husband stayed with us for a week. We only have one travel excursion planned for October and we are NOT taking the trailer with us. We are using our one week free getaway cabin coupon (we received 10 years of a one week cabin with our upgraded Thousand Trails membership) to stay in North Carolina for a weekend Stampin' Up! Quarterly Meeting. The rest of the week we will play disc golf and go see fall colors. We do plan to sell the fifth wheel and buy a camper for short trips up the east coast! In the mean time we are relaxing in our new home enjoying a more stationary life in this lovely RV resort. I should have known we would end up finding something permanent that still has a resort atmosphere. I wake up every day in paradise!

10/12/2022 -

We closed on a small home with an RV port in the Great Outdoors in Titusville, Florida. We moved in with two office chairs and one desk. It took us 4 months of careful shopping to fill in our tiny home with enough furniture for ourselves and guests.

2022 - 
We are hanging out in Florida. The high season was a zoo! We moved more in three months than we had in a few years! One week we moved 4 times, one day to a new park and then three times within the park because we waited so long to book our stay. This coming high season we've already made reservations to stay for four months at Wickham Park in Melbourne. 

We have a few months reserved at TGO where we want to buy a property, then depending on how expensive fuel is and if we've found some real estate to buy, we may stay longer in TGO. It isn't looking good for us to stay in any new states, but perhaps fuel prices will get back to a reasonable amount and we can hit the road again!

2021 - 
Again, the pandemic slowed our plans...however, by June we managed to embark on a journey to Florida! This time we plan on staying the winter to avoid the cold, rain and snow. While there we plan to make Florida our domicile. We also plan to search for a southern location to purchase real estate. 

We did manage to add 5 more states, making our total visited states 27!

Legend: Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

2020 -
As the pandemic continued, we spend the winter between southern coastal Washington state & Northern coastal Oregon. Thankfully we did not encounter any freezing temps, just lots and lots of rain! We plan to avoid another rainy or snowy winter next year!
As you can see the pandemic halted our efforts to explore new states!

Legend: Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

2019 Final -
Due to the pandemic we stayed in Washington state. There was one significant snowfall with freezing temps for a couple of weeks. We will be avoiding snowy weather in the future! Alas, as you can see, our final map looks nothing like our planning map. We explored NO new states due to the pandemic.

Legend: Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

2019 - Fall Planning Map

States We've Stayed June 2019 | Tracy Marie Lewis |
Legend: Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

2018 Map

 States We've Stayed June 2019 | Tracy Marie Lewis | 
 Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

2017 Map

2017 Visited map | Tracy Marie Lewis |
 Green - spent extensive time, multiple visits. Orange - spent some time. Red - Overnight. Purple - multiple visits

Update 2019: 5/31 - Just returned from Arizona. We will take care of health and rental tasks, then head out east across to the Dakotas and the Great Lakes per the top map. After, we will head down to Florida to evaluate properties there like we did in Arizona.
Update 2018: Been in Florida a few weeks now. We like it, but we don't like it's weather at all. We are hoping it will cool down in Nov/Dec. The Map represents all states that we've camped in as a couple, staying at least one night.
Update 2017: Achieved our goal of making it to Texas! We wanted to hit Florida this winter but our TT park is closed for repairs and because of that the other TT is booked solid! So we will go to Florida next fall -DID IT!.






Camping Fees


$1748 est.
Thru 6/1


4 months - AZ
(will NOT move there)

Jan - =$340 + $56 Elec.  
Feb - $300 All Inc.
Mar - $350 All Inc
April - $370 + $86 Elec.


May - AZ to Wa. $18
June - Sept Est - $0



Did not track
Until The BIG 
8.75 Wa to FL

$5744   36 gal Approx $90

 Approx $155
+ our vaca to 
Keys $225
Move To AZ
Approx $120





104.6 gal




* Hotel - When we lost the trailer we had to switch to hotel/motel/cabin rentals...that in itself was an adventure.

2019 Campgrounds

We started the year in Arizona, then went from southern California up through Oregon to Washington. We will be in WA a couple of months then plan to take a new route across to the great lakes then back down to Florida for the winter.

2018 Campgrounds

We started this year's travels at the end of May and as of now (11/1) we are in Orlando, Florida. We don't like the humidity here, but it is far better than Texas. The two Thousand Trails campgrounds are wonderful. I like how I am treated here. We still like Arizona the best. 

Our largest fuel month will be September when we drove From Washington to Florida. It was just about $1700  $1650 in fuel.


Bow, Wa

Mount Vernon RV Campground - retail $46/night($0) TT* - Good cell service. Very few sewer sites 17/225 but they are managed by the rangers so you can request to be on the list for one. We made sure to park at a site for best cell reception. This time the signal is great. We did not ask for a sewer site.


Monroe, Wa

Thunderbird RV Resort - retail $45/night ($0) TT* - Great cell service. Love the water pressure. We got a sewer site YIPPY! There's only 102 sites and I'd say half have sewer, of those 30% are annual members who live onsite or have their rig there year round. So far so good here, will update more. 


Leavenworth, Wa

Leavenworth RV Campground - - retail $46/night($0) TT* - This is by far our favorite TT. We could not find a sewer spot so we drove back to the entrance and looked for a site with 4g. The best 4G we found was just two sites away from the lodge. We very soon discovered that we got the lodge internet and that it was better than our 4G, but it did get bogged down and would drop periodically. 

July Little Diamond, Wa  
July Leavenworth, Wa

Leavenworth RV Campground - - retail $46/night($0) TT* - This is by far our favorite TT. This time we took the site closest to the lodge and our internet was awesome! The Cougar Creek fire went to level 2 and all of the campground was evacuated. We stayed an extra two days while trying to figure out our plan. We ended up taking a cancellation up at Birch Bay.

    Birch Bay RV Campground - retail $41/night (Our cost $0) TT*
We took the second site in and then our handicapped neighbor in site one left the next day so we did not have any neighbors next to us. We did have neighbors behind us so close that when we opened our back window we stared into their front window. Luckily they only stayed two nights and then we had a couple of neighborless days prior to heading back to Mount Vernon.
    Mount Vernon RV Campground - retail $46/night($0) TT* - Good cell service. Very few sewer sites 17/225 but they are managed by the rangers so you can request to be on the list for one. We made sure to park at a site for best cell reception. This time the signal is great. We did not ask for a sewer site.
    Leavenworth RV Campground - - retail $46/night($0) TT* - This is by far our favorite TT. We got our site and stayed one week to make final preparations for our Florida journey.
    Little Diamond - this was our last known point. We stays just 2 nights and then took the plunge and started on our way to Florida
    Top of Wyoming
    Bottom of Wyoming
    Kansas (laundry stop - stayed 2 nights
    Tennessee - 3 nights rest at a TT because it was no charge
    Should have been Georgia but Hurricane Michael was headed our way so instead we made a six night reservation in Orlando and made the mad dash there. We had some crazy weather
    Peace River - We liked it here better than Orlando, primarily because of the shade and all of the free space we could throw our discs without bothering anyone. Lots of folks stopped to ask what we were doing. 
    Homestead - YUCK! this was a mobile home park in a bad part of town...cancelled our 5 night stay here
    Big Pine Key - very nice. Super HOT it was in the seventies at night so our ACs worked hard for us.
    Homestead - different park. Marginally better, it was still a mix of mobile and RVs but we were by RVs. It still felt somewhat seedy, but we did relax after the first night.
    Peace River - whew back to a "normal" campground
10/31 - 11/21   Orlando - this is our first three week stay since we left on 9/19! I have my side gig conference to attend for three nights. I will be with a group of my crafting buddies and am so excited. Hub will be hanging out in Orlando, hopefully recovering from all this travel madness!
    Another Journey - this time to Arizona! Can't wait:)
12/19 - 1/1 Verde Valley, Az We stayed in a cabin last winter and liked it alot. It will be interesting to actually camp here in our own trailer
1/1-3/31 Congress, Az We are staying here to evaluate whether we want to buy real estate in this area.  

2017 Campgrounds

*Our biggest fuel month was October when we drove from Washington to Arizona and spent $918 in fuel!!! Second highest was in June - it was over 105 degrees for a week straight at Russian River so we drove to the Ocean twice to cool off $540.

3/15 - 3/30  

 Blaine, Wa

Birch Bay RV Campground - retail $41/night (Our cost $0) TT*
We arrived on a sunny day, picked our spot, then it POURED and our site became a lake, so we had our own personal mote. I pulled over a picnic table for DH to get in and out of the rig as he doesn't have any boots. I did the breakdown in the lake the day we left. I am sure glad i've done this for many years! The sites are 4 up with the power/water/sewer in the middle. The lodge was nice with fast internet. I would not likely stay here again due to the tight spacing. We did get a spot that had a permanent site on our right so that side would not have a neighbor and it still felt tight. 

3/27 - 4/17

LaConner, Wa

La Conner RV Resort - retail $46/night (Our cost $0) TT*
Finished packing, organized the barn, went to Dr. appts, Potential RV warranty service (non needed). This resort was much nicer, treed, hundreds of sites to choose from. NO cell service, even at the lodge the wifi there was not usable. If you walked down on the beach you could get a little 4g, but it was still spotty. We will not stay here again due to the lack of cell reception. We had to drive in to the city library to do our business and personal internet stuff. I did not like having to go so far to do our banking. 

4/17 - 4/27

Seaview, Wa

Long Beach RV Resort - retail $48/night (Our cost $0) TT*
This resort was laid out like Birch Bay but we did get an end site so had no neighbors. The internet here was very poor but cell service was good. The library was only 4 minutes away. There is a trail to the ocean, it was under water, but I have muck boots and DH was fine soaking his grubby tennies to get to the beach. There is another trail on the south side that went a long ways. Lots of mosquitoes here. I may or may not be willing to return. We now have an unlimited 4g cell plan so the lack of internet is a non issue, its the tight parking and mosquitoes that would determe.

4/27 - 5/3

Seaside, Or

Seaside RV Resort - retail $55/night (Our cost $0) TT*
Not alot of activities here, but we parked right next to the laundry building and thus had free WiFi. We were going to stay one night until I saw we had WiFi and then we extended for a week. Lots of space, nice property, not very close to the ocean, no walking trails. I would stay here again, but only if I had to because of the lack of trails on site.

5/3 - 5/18

Newport, Or

Whaler's Rest RV Resort - retail $46/night (Our cost $0) TT*
We got lucky and parked in Phase II on the hill toward the top so we had decent cell. The lodge had good WiFi. There is an on site Disc Golf course. A very easy one with 5" high cyclone fence all around so NO throwing OB because you cannot recover your disc. Great family lodge with indoor pool. Craft sale every saturday which I attended and made $10 - I had to pay $5 to TT, but only if I sold anything. Onsite store, trail to ocean, but it crosses 101, we did not make that trek. Disc Golf Courses less than 15 minutes away. No mosquitoes at the Resort, but very, aggressive mosquitoes at the disc golf courses. South Beach DGC we played many times, loved it as a warm up course, multiple tees, nine holes. The other course was very hard, treed, with steep ravines, and more aggressive mosquitoes. Would love to stay here again.

5/18 - 6/5

Florence, Or

South Jetty RV Resort -retail $38/night (Our cost $0) TT* 
This is a park with the least amenities. It does have a very large swimming pool. The adult lodge had no internet so we would park ourselves on the huge deck outside next to the pool. The internet was very fast. No disc golf nearby but we did find a field to throw in and behind our site there was an open field we could putt and approach to our practice basket. It was here that we started to have laptop issues with our older MSI gaming laptop and we decided to get a pair of low end gaming Dell laptops. We spent a fraction on these two than what we've paid for one good gaming laptop in years past. We explored the disc golf in Eugene, playing at one easy course at Westmoreland Park a couple of times. The climate here was very moist, all of our clothes felt damp, however we were happy to have no aggressive mosquitoes to deal with. We were parked in the shade and the weather was mild. 

6/5 - 6/7

Klamath, Ca

Klamath River RV Park - (Our cost $28) RPI**
Moving day stop. We stayed here for a couple of nights as we drove down into California. There are no Thousand Trails from mid-Oregon down into California, close to Santa Rosa. Nice grassy private campground. A couple of weird rules like no dog kennels (the wire contraptions that make a small pet pen), no cloth mats larger than a door mat (this one makes sense as they don't want to kill their grass). They pick your location and help you park - this was a first for us on this journey, but we've stayed at other private campgrounds that park you. No doing laundry in your rig due to limitations of their septic system. That was about it. Great internet to our site for the first time since Seaside. Watched a lot of disc golf. We'd missed quite a few tournaments. Disc golf is videoed and posted on 

6/7 - 6/28

Cloverdale, CA

Russian River RV Resort - retail $51/night (Our cost $0) TT* 
We had read the reviews and were prepared for our stay. Great cell service here, we picked a spot recommended to us by the ranger. It was partially shaded. Everything is asphalt here so very little dust and not many potholes. The entire resort is on a hillside making all of the loops and the sites wonky and steep. Lots of scrape marks in the asphalt. I am amazed at how people were able to get their 40' DPs and 5ers pulled into these spots. We chose an easy peasy pull through.  Disc golf was near by. It was a perfect course for us. It could have been mowed a bit more and a couple of spots had thorny weeds and seeds that stuck to our socks and shoes. We would play twice a day some days. Then it got scorching HOT! We were miserable and went to the ocean to play golf one day, tried two courses and both were fun! Not alot of activities on site and no pool but we did partake in their weekend Chuckwagon breakfasts. No sewer, we used our black tank toter. Finally sponge bathed the front of the trailer and the truck using our A/C water. Good cell service. We found an unilimited data plan to lease and that saved us from terrible boredom in the heat.

6/28 - 7/19

Paicines, CA

San Benito RV Resort -retail $51/night (Our cost $0) TT* 
Huge resort. 280 acres in total. Deer, quail, bobcats and half wild domestic cats. Saw LOTS of deer, quail and cats, the bobcats are shy and hide during the busy season. Very hot here. The grass is all yellow so it is very bright outside. Full hookups. We took a full sun spot until a shaded spot opened up near us. In the shade you deal with gooey seeds, bird poop and ants, lots of ants! We washed the truck off with A/C water a couple of times and found Windex to be a good ant killer. By the last night we'd eliminated most of the ant trails to the inside but some traveled with us to Delta Shores. No nearby disc golf so we made up our own course along a lovely trail that had white posts every 1/10th mile as well as exercise equipment with signs. We made up rules and played twice a day most days. Flies were bad here, no mosquitoes. Had to keep the screen closed all the time. Aside from the heat we enjoyed our stay but after three weeks we were ready for something different. The park has cell extenders, its internet was not good, but we tapped into it using our new unlimited Mifi plan and had decent reception. Some funky sewer/garbage smells at times and the garbage was not picked up often enough for how full the park was. Cafe had good lunches, a little pricey. Lots of activities here.

7/19 - 7/30

Isleton, CA

Delta Shores Resort & Marina - retail $40/night (Our cost $110/10 nights) RPI**
This is a private campground that has its own membership. We used our RPI membership for $10/night camping. Green, shady and breezy, surrounded by water you cannot see. This location sits at 11' elevation, the water on the other side of the levy is 33'. DH is nocturnal and with in days he was eaten alive by no-see-ums or "midges". Their bites are far worse than mosquitoes. We had to use antibiotic cream as well as anti-itch cream. He had to wear long sleeves and long pants at night. Disc golf is less than 1/2 hour away at a park with baskets around the perimeter. It doesn't have a formal course, you just make it up as you go. We criss-crossed the velvety soft field, making up mandos and other rules as we went along. It was a huge step up from the San Benito trail form of disc golf. Good cell service.


Redding, CA

Trail In RV Campground - ($10-$18) PA***  Decided to stay at Delta Shores



Rest Areas on I-5 ($0) Decided to stay at Delta Shores


Roseburg, OR

Tri City RV Park ($16.16) PA*** Still at Delta Shores


Florence, OR

South Jetty RV Resort retail $38/night (Our Cost $0) TT* - This time we took a spot in the very back, no sewer. It was nice and quiet. We spent one day resting and then went to do field work with our discs. Compared to the last time we were here my throwing is vastly improved. The key change is that I am back to throwing left handed because my right elbow injury. I am definitely going to keep throwing with both to have more options open to me. We enjoyed the cool weather here. 


Newport, OR

Whaler's Rest RV Resort -retail $46/night ($0) TT*  Didn't feel like moving, so called reservations and cancelled this, adding one more day for South Jetty.

8/2 - 8/23

Pacific City, OR

Pacific City RV Resort - retail $46/night ($0) TT* -This park is HUGE and hilly like Russian River. It got old driving 5mph to leave the property which was 10 minutes each way. Our electrical was wonky after an overnight power outage that spanned from Lincoln City to Pacific City. We suffered multiple outages a day after that. Finally the last night after no power all day, DH took apart the circuit breaker, sanded the connections and put it back together. Its lovely being married to an electrician, but then why did he wait until the very last day to decide that is what was needed to fix the issue? He still thinks that it is going to be problematic and needs to be replaced. We did not like having to dump, but the site we picked was off the beaten path and we were surrounded by thick foliage. The dump was very close by. The walk down to the ocean was easy one way, quite challenging on the way back as it was all uphill. We had no cell service nor internet at our site and the lodge service was very weak 3g so we had to go in to town to get anything done. We found that the post office parking lot was best, it backs to a small air strip and we got to see some home made airplanes take off. I will need some time to recover from being off the grid so for now this park is on our do not revisit list. There are horse facilities here that look like they've rarely if ever been used. The state park down the road has an extensive trail system for people and horses. The trails are deep sand, we alternated walking here with walking down to the ocean. It was grueling walking but we got our best exercise here. We played no disc golf.

8/23 - 8/30

Chehalis, WA

Chehalis RV Resort - retail $41/night ($0) TT* - Great cell service. We picked the upper most farthest away site with no neighbors on three sides of us. We are surrounded by blackberry bushes loaded with ripe blackberries. I think we will recover nicely here before heading to our home stomping grounds. Very quiet and rural. There are horse facilities here. Our site connects to a horse trail that runs around the property. We will be checking that out today for sure!

8/30 - 9/13 Monroe, WA Thunderbird RV Resort - retail $45/night ($0) TT* - Great cell service. Love the water pressure. We got a sewer site YIPPY! There's only 102 sites and I'd say half have sewer, of those 30% are annual members who live onsite or have their rig there year round. So far so good here, will update more.
9/13-10/4 Mount Vernon, WA Mount Vernon RV Campground - retail $46/night($0) TT* - ok cell service. Very few sewer sites 17/225 but they are managed by the rangers so you can request to be on the list for oe. We are near I-5 so I just tell myself it is the ocean and all is well:) Great green space, pool with a view of Mt. Baker. Strict rules, not sure how enforced they are. After almost 3 weeks here, it seems very quiet, you can hear the freeway and a pin drop quiet. Ironically we get enough broadband to play our online game but not good enough to stream football on my cell or shows on the FIRE. Youtube works somewhat depending on the time of day. Notable is a disc golf course at Bakerview Park in south Mount Vernon. Fun 9 hole course.
10/4-10/11 Leavenworth, Wa Leavenworth RV Campground - - retail $46/night($0) TT* - This is by far our favorite TT. The fall colors were spectacular, and the property is great with miles of trails to walk. The disc golf course was a true course with a variety of terrain and obstacles. Decent cell service that had some latency. 
10/11-10/18 Mount Vernon, Wa Mount Vernon RV Campground - retail $46/night($0) TT* - Good cell service. Very few sewer sites 17/225 but they are managed by the rangers so you can request to be on the list for one. We made sure to park at a site for best cell reception. This time the signal is great. We did not ask for a sewer site.
10/18-10-25 Bend, Or

Bend-Sunriver RV Campground - retail $49/night($0) TT* - Good Cell Service. No Sewer sites. They close half the park in winter. Water pipes are heated (likely why they only leave half open). Onsite disc golf course, Onsite store open all year round. Close to Sunriver which has lots to do. It was very quiet here and cold at night, down to the lower 30s. I would like to stay here longer, perhaps next spring?

10/25-10/26 Nevada

Drive through Nevada overnight at a Rest Area - $0 - It was closed so we parked outside in on the road. It seemed alot of the rest areas were closed with no place online to verify. It was quite frustrating for us. 

10/26-10/28 St. George, Ut KOA - retail $36.49/night ($28-$14/night) RPI** - we liked it here. It is basically a gravel site with some trees but beautiful scenery all around. Very close to the Interstate.
10/28-11/5 Cottonwood, Ut

Page Springs RV Resort - retail $35/night ($110.66 for 8 nights) RPI** - Hang out in the Cottonwood area... Drove to Prescott via Jerome. Forgot about this drive. We'd driven this route 20 years ago. The campground was in a gully so was a little green oasis in the desert. Lovely location. We didn't think we would like it when first driving in, but boy was it nice once we settled in. Fish hatchery across the street with miles of walking trails. Played golf in Cottonwood almost every day.

11/5-11/7 Benson, Ar

Valley Vista RV Resort- retail $29/night ($32 for 2 nights) RPI** - No reason to stay here other than to rest a full day. Gravel Lot with trees. 

11/7 El Paso, Tx

Mission RV Park - retail $42/night($20.96 cash) EA**** Enjoy America is free with RPI and is 50% off one night. We spontaneously decided to stay here over a rest area because lots of the rest areas are either closed or full of big rigs. Rest Areas in Texas are very, very small

11/8 Loraine, Tx Ms. Gs RV Park - retail $30 ($15 cash) PA*** Wow, this was a true mom and pop campground. It was rough with no amenities, the owner had to drag power from a side monument to our middle pull thru spot. We were very, very grateful for the spot because it was very cold and rainy this day. We wanted to stop and warm up. We didn't need any fancy amenities!
11/9-11/29 Whitney, Tx Lake Whitney RV Campground - Retail $41/night ($0) TT* - the campgrouned was nice. It was clean and freshly painted. I taught card classes here three times and enjoyed the activities coordinator. She decorated the park while I was there. It was very festive. I would stay here again. The area is pretty boring overall. Sleepy town
11/29 - 12/20 Point, Tx

Lake Tawakoni RV Campground - Retail $45/night ($0) TT* - This was the most beautiful camp site we have camped in. Typically at other scenic campgrounds, the truly beautiful spots are taken. This lake front property had so much lake it fronted that most sites had a great view of the lake if they weren't on the lake. The condition of our loop was ok, it was pretty rough, all dirt with some chunkier dirt for the road. We were in an Oak grove with mounds of oak leaves everywhere which added to its idyllic look. It poured out the day before we left and it was a lake in our site, but by the next morning most of the water had soaked into the ground thank goodness. I tought card classes here and had good attendance. The staff was very nice and accomodating. We enjoyed our stay here. There were more barking dogs than we would have liked. There was also a loose dog that wandered the grounds. On the last day I asked if she had a story. And of course she does because lose dogs are just not allowed at campgrounds. Her name is Bella and she is very quiet. She will not let strangers approach her. There are a few full timers who feed her. She will not stay tied. Three years ago someone dumped her at the welcome center during the night. She'd been hit and was a mess. People pooled their money and saved her and she has been at the park ever since. They call her the official "park" dog.

12/20 - 12/29 Gordonville, Tx

Lake Texoma RV Campground - Retail $45/night ($0) TT* - This location is more like Lake Whitney, none of the camp sites have a lake view. You have to drive over to it. That part of the park is actually owned by the Army Corp of Engineers who allow TT to use their land for access to the lake with a boat launch and picnic area. We did not like the weather - it started snowing! so we made plans to escape to Arizona for the rest of the winter. So far Texas just isn't for us!

12/30 Verde Valley, Az We never made it - lost our trailer in a collision and from there we went to stay with family until all of the insurance/trailer replacement activities were complete.

* TT - Thousand Trails Platinum Plus Membership bought through Campground Memberships Outlet
** RPI - Resort Parks International (RPI) Preferred Membership that I had access to via the Thousand Trails Platinum Plus Membership
*** PA - Passport America - Discount camping club offering 50% off one night or more for over 1,900 campgrounds
**** EA - Enjoy America - This membership is complementary with RPI



A thousand Trails is a great thing to have fun



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